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When I specialised in architectural photography in the 80's I had need of a super-wide angle camera. The only ones available were very costly so I designed and built one. A number of different prototypes were built which all sold. This led to a small business, JTC (Jack Tait Cameras) in making a 6x9 cm super-wide cameras with rising front and a tracking viewfinder.
Writing may be seen by clicking on the link
At various times since I have continued to make cameras in 6x12 cm, 5x4 and 5x7 inch formats.
In addition to camera design, I produced large photographic murals for architectural interior use, designed a Kodak calendar commemorating the Kodak Colour Scholarship scheme, and a cover for Esso magazine.

Wide 5x4 field camera
75mm interchangeable lens
6x12 cm wide angle 65mm lens
5x7 very wide angle box camera
75 mm lens, no shutter
JTC 6x9 camera
47mm + 65mm lenses
Four out of 15 different cameras
Kodak Calendar 1966
Cover picture for Esso magazine
Large mural designs