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Musical instruments
During lockdown I made a number of string instrumentsvwith the
itention of having access to different sounds tovaccompany any
future videos. These combine my taitograph drawing images with
soundtracks recorded on a range of instruments from Piano,
Saxophones, Guitar and others.
Mainly string instruments
Three string cigar box guitar
Four string cigar box guitar
As amateur musician of limited ability, similarities between music
and art justify combining images with sound. Listed are 2 cigar
box guitars (one sold) an Oud and Yali Tanbur, (classical Arabic
instruments) a restored Banjo, a cello converted into a Viola
de Gamba (also sold) a Welsh Cwrth and a few simple flutes.

Restored banjo
Small cello conversion to Viola de Gamba
Arabic Oud modified shape to simplify construction.
A Yali Tanbur, classical Turkish bowed instrument, with a banjo type of head and a
stainles steel bowl as resonator. A damaged banjo was canibalized to make this and
the spare neck used on the hybrid below.
A Welsh medieaval Crwth, a bowed instrument circa 16 century but its design goes
back many centuries. The guitar string heads are not in the original design!
Many of these are fitted with an electronic pick up to allow playing wirh an amplifier.
Amercian Indian traditional flute