contact me for any information or comments

Abergavenny showing the Sugar Loaf from the Blorenge
This website is in three parts:- Career data in 'Home' and 'About me', 'Taitographs' i.e. machine drawings together with the 'Machines', and 'Photography' and 'Writing'. Photography is subdivided into a variety of aspects such as People, Still life etc whilst the 'Writing' section covers book publishing and 'Design', both camera making and graphic design and recent musical instrument making. Work in progress. My website is undergoing updating, addressing current preoccupations. These are specifically randomness and chaos and music. New pages have been added to cover Graphic and Light folio images, new machines and recent writing.
Click black headings at the top of the page which lead to the main sections, some have sub divisions. In 'Photography', 'Taitographs' and 'Machines' more navigating is also done by clicking on the individual lead pictures. In Design, Music, Graphic and Light pages the access is mainly from the top headings. I have treid to make navigation as easy as possible and there is some deliberate duplication.
The 'Links' section below is being changed to include recent writing where the philosophy of machine art is discussed together with my own musical projects.
You can contact me on the machinedraw link above. Thank you for looking. Jack Tait 2022
Home is on the side of a Welsh mountain, north of Abergavenny near the Sugar Loaf. I live there with my wife Rita and two cats, dividing my time between photography, engineering and music. You can see photographs, drawing machines, their images, books, camera making, design and music. Recent work is in new pages.
WEB WORK IS IN PROGRESS New pages are being designed and added, apologies if not all links are hooked up.