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NSEW linear and cam models, Sine Wave v Flat Bed Sine Wave and new drum machines

Machine 3  latest machines

Machines and programmers are constantly under reveiw; modifications

added to accomodate current preoccupation with randomness and chaos.

More space has been allocated to their images in the Folio pages; at present

the folios are divided into graphic and light so many machines can make

both types of drawing.

The preoccupation with randomness, chaos and subjectivity has driven much redesign activity. This has resulted in a number of papers being written where the overall motive is a curiosity about how art works.

It is felt that given the transparency of instuctions given to a machine this might lead to insights into art's workings.

Linear NSEW machine

NSEW sun and planet cam machine

Current  light rig with NSEW Mk X

cam sp machine  and Randomiser

The NSEW machines have undergone more versions

than any other. The latest two are built on a simple

frame construction, one with a linear chain drive on

each axis and the other using sun and planet driven

cams to drive the axes. The units are robust with

miniumum backlash and  fit under the camera frame.

The close up  of the sun and planet drive

shows the toothed belt drive.

Any of three light pens  shown in

Machine 2 may be used  on

either NSEW machine or on the new Flat

Bed Sine Wave machine.

The earlier Sine Wave machne is a drum based

unit which is capable of a large variety  of fine

detailed drawings but becuse of the drum

construction is unable to draw with the light

pens. So a new machine was built which could.

A more  difficult engineering task than most

other machines.

The frame is covered by a dark cloth and

mages made in daylight. The NSEW unit

is controlled by the  Randomiser before

it had a forward reverse unit added.

See Randomiser + forward reverse unit

in Machine 2.

In order to minimise backlash the  FBSW machine was designed around toothed belt drives which have zero backlash. This generates a smooth  sine wave line. The machine can either be used in graphic mode - not shown - with a pen lift and wave break device and  uses an alternative  clip-on frame to the camera rig  system.

The new drum machine was based on a design from the 70,s made to extend the variety of random drawing  outputs. It  is controlled by either programmer.


Latest version of Sine Wave machine with wave

break and pen lift units for comparison with Flat

Bed Sine Wave machine to the right

The Flat Bed Sine Wave - FBSW -  machine allows light drawing.The light pens sit on top of the black platen.

New drum machine designed to explore more random drawings.

Close up of  NSEW sun and planet drive

Camera rig using Flat Bed Sine Wave

machine and shutter light pen.